April 16, 2012

Lights! Camera! Action!

Edmonton Eskimos
Chelsea B’s Blog – Eskimo Cheer Team

Wow! Has it ever been an exciting few weeks for the Edmonton Eskimo Cheer Team! Since January of this year, we have all been anxiously awaiting the results of the 2012 Team. It was crazy to go from just an ordinary student to a rookie member of the Eskimo Cheer Team in just the span of a few months.

Kylee, Chelsea B and Victoria arrive at the studio.

After the team was named at the final try-outs on March 5th 2012, no time was spared as we jumped right into our first practice the next day! For us rookies, the excitement of learning new dances and cheers filled our hearts and it was, no doubt, painted all over our faces. While I can honestly say that everything about being an Eskimo brings a smile to my face, I can truly speak for all the rookies and probably some of the veterans when I say that one of the most exciting experiences thus far of being an Eskimo Cheerleader was the photo shoot on March 17th. Only a few days after our first practice and we were already in the spotlight!

Chelsea B gets her hair done.

There are really no words to describe the experience of the first photo shoot. Putting on that green and gold uniform for the very first time made everything real – here I was, an Eskimo Cheerleader! I had arrived early that morning to the photo shoot with a fellow teammate Victoria who had helped me prepare for my first shoot. Almost instantaneously, I became struck by awe walking into the studio. All the cameras, the makeup, the pom poms – it was all amazing! It took me a while to come down from cloud nine, but soon enough Victoria and I were sent straight to hair and makeup. Sitting there getting my hair done, I was already warming up my smile for the camera. Everyone looked so beautiful and it was a really great time to start bonding with the team – all of who were so welcoming to me! The entire photo shoot team was amazing and it really made my first experience as an Eskimo Cheerleader a special one.

The most exciting part of the photo shoot for rookies and veterans alike would have to be the new uniforms! Everyone was excited to see our new outfits and learn that we would have the privilege of wearing them for our first shoot. If you are curious of what they look like, check out our individual biographies under the Cheer Team Roster section and get a sneak peak at the new uniforms and of course the new team!

Our photos have been sent off and the new 2012 playing cards are now in production. We are all very excited to unveil them to you!

As you can tell, the Eskimo Cheer Team hard at work getting ready to bring you fans an amazing season!

– Chelsea B.