It’s a football tradition that’s growing! Join us every game before kickoff for the Elks Tailgate, presented by CLRA. Don’t have a tailgate stall? Don’t be shy! This event is open to everyone, with live music and FREE hot dogs for the first 300 people at EE Tailgate Central. Experience true Edmonton hospitality with your fellow EE community. Hey, they might even share that secret chili recipe with you!
WHO | ALL Elks Fans (No ticket required) |
Live music on the K-97 Stage Tailgate Stage FREE Stawnichy’s Kubbie Burgers (limited quantities) at the K97 and Spirit of Edmonton tents (across from stage) NEW EE Tailgate Central (star below) is giving out FREE hot dogs to the first 300 fans, so get there early. |
WHERE | Located in LOT B, on the West side of Commonwealth Stadium. The epicenter of the Elks Fan Park. |
WHEN | Pre-game at every Elks game (tailgate opens to stall holders 3 hours prior to the game, general activities commence 2 hour before each game) |
WHY | Because you’re looking for a uniquely football experience pre-game! |
Click here for the full tailgate guidelines.
Looking for an Elks Tailgate spot for 2024 or beyond? CLICK HERE to be contacted by an Elks ticket representative.